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documentary | 89 min.

The documentary follows the path of tourists to cities, vacation resorts, and events in Europe. The filmmakers observe from a certain distance with a deliberate abstinence of words or comment, reflecting on personal longings and the touristic machinery.

with financial support of Bezirk Oberbayern

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documentary | 86 min.

The question of meaning seems to occupy humanity since the beginning of time and the attempts to find an answer are as diverse as the human beings themselves. But what happens when one tries to examine that question from a non-human perspective?

Filmmakers Bedekovic/Grunsky attempt this experiment by sending the alter ego
X on a journey through Europe, before the outbreak of COVID-19. Although X observes the human world in a pure analytic way, she is offered quite emotional thoughts from the terrestrials.

Snowdance Independent Film Festival 2021
Erie International Film Festival 2021

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Available on:

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3 SISTERS Mia Uschi Martha
documentary | 96 min.

Before World War II the 3 sisters Mia, Uschi, and Martha were born in the former German city of Wrocław, which became Polish in 1945. They have been shaped by poverty, National Socialism, war, and escape, but also by peace, reconstruction, and an affluent society of Germany. The detailed stories they tell us in front of the camera, 75 years after World War II has ended, are as individual as the 3 sisters themselves.

with financial support of the Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labour and Social Affairs

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Available on:

short film | 10 min.

While the world forces you to stay at home, imagination nevertheless allows you to go OFF COURSE.

Flatlands Dance Film Festival | January 22nd in Urbana, Illinois 2021
San Francisco Independent Short Film Festival 2021
Athens Digital Arts Festival 2021
Lights Dance Festival Seattle 2021
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MY life MY choice
short film | 1 min.

Woman, sexy, woman, sweet, woman, friendly, woman, smart, woman, pregnant, woman, mum, woman, wife, woman, athletic, woman, feminine, woman, housewife, woman... me?
She bends until she breaks or she breaks out.

short film | 3 min.

Side effects of isolation during Covid-19.
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short film | 12 min.

Mia has an unexpected day off. It is the middle of the week, the outside world is busy. A whole day full of TIME to her free disposal lies in front of her. She feels the inner pressure of having to have a great TIME, while executing action after action just to fill all this TIME.